Anna is sitting at home, attempting to figure out how to use the web browser on her AOL account.

    Suddenly the front door to her house is kicked in.

    "Hello?" says Anna.

    Eighteen policemen rush in, guns at the ready, shouting, and wreaking havoc.

    Anna screams as she is apprehended.

    Back at the station, Anna is questioned:

    "What is your connection to one Mr. Bradford Powell, Jr.?"

    "Brad?!  He's, like, my friend's weird uncle."

    "Are you aware that Mr. Powell was a wanted man?"

    "I didn't know that anybody wanted Brad," says Anna.

    "Ms. Krachey, the Greek Army has seventeen different warrants out for his arrest, capture, and detainment.  This man was very dangerous."


    "Ms. Krachey, are you aware that as Brad lay dying, his guts splattered in front of him, he scrawled out in his own blood the words 'Anna - I love you.'?"

    "That's gross.  Brad's dead?"

    Anna is able to evade punishment from the authorities, but her brother Ross gets sent to a minimum-security prison in Oregon for the summer.

    Your body is shipped to Greece where it becomes a national monument.


    A few years later, Yanni puts out a new album called "Yanni: Back at the Acropolis, Next to Brad's Rigor Mortis Body".

    Sales are astounding.

The End

You have died.

Your final score is:

Start again.