"All right," says Katie.  "I guess I'll just wait around here until Shven shows up then..."

    You close the doors of the boathouse and walk back to the secret tunnel.

    Emerging a few minutes later in the basement you see Sarah.

    "Hi, Sarah," you say.

    "Oh, hi, Brad," says Sarah.  "I didn't think you were down here."

    "Hey, was that Katie looking for me earlier?"

    "Katie?" says Sarah.  "Couldn't have been.  She's up in Vermont.  She's meeting Shven at the boat house again."

    "Oh," you say.  Hmm.  "Is Uncle Bud here?"

    "Yeah, he's upstairs.  He and Poppy and Lucia are talking about Vermont."

    "Thanks," you say.  "What are you doing down here, anyhow?"

    "Hiding," says Sarah.  "I hate when goddamn relatives come over."

    You decide to distract Sarah so you can take the secret passage back to Vermont and meet up with Katie.

    You let out a long low-pitch fart.

    "Doh, Jesus, Brad!" reacts Sarah.  "You fuckin' stank!"

    Conveniently she exits.

    You head back through your secret tunnel.

    When you emerge in the boathouse, it is empty.

    You walk out to the beach and follow a trail of three footprints down the beach.  They head into the water, and scanning the lake, you see Poppy's boat out a good distance, and on it: two figures silhouetted in the sunset.

    You missed your chance.

    Possibly your one best chance ever to be alone with Katie, and instead she's with that peg-legged English swine, Shven.

    You head back to the basement cursing not Shven, but the one really responsible for this, and most of your troubles: Addison "Bud" Powell.

    Damn him and his morphing tom-foolery!

    You return to Poppy's house and march upstairs determined to tell him off.

    But there in the dining room sits Lucia alone.

    "Where's Uncle Bud?" you ask.

    "He made some grandiose speech.  Poppy walked out of the room.  Bud got mad and stormed out.  I thought you were going to be here for this meeting, Brad.  ...By the way, you owe me seven month's tax money for camp."

    "Uh, yeah," you say.  "I'll go get it.  It's down the basement."

    You walk down the basement and hide under an old coffee table and go to sleep.

The End

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