Well, that's a good a reason as any, I suppose.

    You take one last look at Merv as your finger surrounds the trigger.

    And then...

    "No!!" shouts a voice from behind you.


    "Don't shoot Merv!  Brad, please, don't!  I... I love him."

    Merv stirs in his sleep, but does not wake up.

    "Give me one reason I shouldn't blow Merv's brains across this room right now," you challenge.

    "I just did," says Sandy.

    "Oh, yeah," you say.  "Well, make it two."

    "How's this?" says Sandy.

    She whips out a small pistol from her purse, and holds it aimed right at your crotch.

    "Sandy, if you shoot my crotch, I'll still kill Merv."

    "How sure about that are you, Brad?" she asks.

    "Um..." you say.

    "Give me one reason I shouldn't shoot you in the crotch right now," challenges Sandy.

    "I... I love my crotch," you respond.

    Just then Merv snorts in his sleep really loud.

    Sandy takes it for a gun shot, and pulls her trigger, nailing you in the sack.

    You are knocked off-balance.  You squeeze the trigger, but fire wildly, hitting Sandy in the arm.

    Sandy fires again, this time putting a hole in your stomach.

    You fall backward, collapsing over Merv's coffee table, and into a stack of old Hot & Fat magazines, knocking them across the floor.

    You aim and get off one last shot, hitting Sandy in the boob.  Sandy falls against the far wall, and slowly drops to the floor, dead.

    Merv wakes up from all the noise, but is very groggy and discombobulated.

    He looks over and sees you and Sandy.  He thinks you two have both just crashed at his place, so he clears the phlegm from his throat and drifts back into sleep.

The End

You have died.

Your final score is:

Start again.