"Nice weather today, isn't it?" says Bud menacingly.

    "Not too bad," you say.  "Not too bad at all."

    "How's Nannie?" asks Bud.

    "Dead," you tell him.  "Bunny?"

    "Same," he says.

    "Any word from Gorton's about reinstating you as spokesfisherman?"

    "Not yet," answer Bud.  "Get any calls from Webster lately?"

    "Nope," you tell him.  "Not recently."

    "Still eating tofu by the bucket?" asks Bud.

    "Yup," you answer.  "Still smoking rigor mortis fishsticks?"

    "I am," says Bud.

    He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a crusty fishstick and lights it up.

    "Score with Pam since that time in the seventies?" he asks.

    "Nope," you say.  "You still evil to the core?"

    "To the core," says Bud.  "You still bonking Sandy?"

    "From time to time," you tell him.  "Any truth to the rumor that you can morph into any form at will."

    "It is true," says Bud.  "It is true."

    Bud morphs into BOOG and then back to himself.

    "Any truth to the rumor that you can directionally morph?" asks Bud.

    You morph to face behind you, and then morph back.

    "Also true," you say.

    "Good catching up with you, Brad," says Bud.

    "Yeah," you say.  "See you around."

    You stare at each other for another moment, and then you both turn and leave.  Bud exits the boathouse, and you return through the secret tunnel to the basement.

    Katie is there.

    "There you are," she says.  "Sandy called and wants you to come over."

    "Oh," you say.  "Thanks."

    Katie walks back upstairs.

    Go to Sandy's.

    Go up to Pam's room.

    Go back to sleep.