"Hi!  Brad!"

    You turn on your side, ignoring the young man's shrill and overly loud voice (with the Greek accent that scores big with the ladies).

    Your plan backfires:

    A drool-drop lands right in yor ear, making you sit up straight.

    "Wanna!  Play!  Leapfrog!?" shouts Milton.

    "Too early, Milterooni.  Let's just chill for a while here in the basement and see what pops up"

   "Milty, you have no chance of beating me at leapfrog, for I, Bradford Powell, Jr., am the master of the event.  In fact, in the 1960s I was the Sharon High School varsity leapfrog captain and mascot.  But if you truly want a lesson in how to get your cute little Greek byoo-tocks whupped, then by all means, let us travel to the backyard, because, Little Milty, SCHOOL IS IN."

    Destroy Milton