But, don't feel bad...

    You're not alone, Brad.

    Little Milton Papamagaritus is standing right behind you.

    You hear is unmistakeable little giggle, and you turn around and see Milty has followed your lead, removing all his clothes and standing-butt nekked on the porch.

    Just then Sarah comes out the front door.

    "I knew it!" she says.  She reaches into her schoolbag and pulls out an Instamatic camera, snapping a shot of you and Milton.

    "Now I'll win that bet with Katie!" she says excitedly and passes you on her way off to school.

    "Hey, Sarah," you say.  "Is my van in your room?"

    "Uh, no," she says walking off.

    You decide to put your clothes back on to avoid any further such polaroid moments.

    You shoo Milton away.

    Go bonk Sandy.

    Check Pam's room for van.

    Return to basement.