Sensing imminent danger, you jump right out of the boat.

    You start to swim away, but look back at the boat.

    Katie stands up and (confirming your suspicion) morphs into Uncle Bud.

    Bud grimaces and pulls the rip-cord to start up the motor.  He throws it into reverse gear and directs the boat right at you.

    You swim away as fast as you can, but Poppy's motorboat travels pretty fast with only one passenger.

    You are about to be ground up by the motor's propeller.

    Deftly you throw your legs to either side of the motor, pushing against the back of the boat with your feet, and barely keeping yourself from being minced.

    "Brad," says Bud.  "It is useless to resist."

    You struggle to push against the boat hard enough to resist the motor's pull.

    "Don't make me destroy you," warns Bud.

   Your leg muscles are almost giving out.

    "Nannie never told you about your real father."

    "Sure she did!" you shout.  "She told me Poppy is my father!"

    "No, Bradford," says Bud.  "I am your father."

    A look of utter horror comes over your face.

    "No!" you shout.  "That's not true... that's improbable!"

    Bud reaches out his hand to you.

    "Come, Brad," he says, "join the other side of the family, and together we can rule all of Powell Camp as father and son!"

    Say "I'll never join you!" defiantly, and let go with your legs.

    Grasp Bud's hand.

    Pretend to reach for Bud's hand, but instead, flip the gear-shift into the forward position.